Thursday, March 28, 2019

Ode to Healing

The diagnosis was my epiphany. It was the key that led me beyond my life of forgetfulness. It brought me out of my amnesia, my blindness. I now hear the wind, it's voice calling, it's message clear. I feel the rhythm of the Earth beating in my very core reminding me of my beautiful humanity and my purpose. With every heartbeat, every cherished breath, I am alive.

Though it seeks to supplant me, undo my dreams, it is no match for the power of an awakened spirit. This plague, this reminder of human frailty will not take me without a fight. We are what we make of ourselves above what the world imparts upon us. I refuse to submit to its guile. This cancer, borne of an imperfect world will now know what it is like to come eye to eye with a soul of the Earth.

Born of love, faith...dancing in the wind, basking in the glow of the setting sun, awash in the waves of reflection. This diagnosis, this ephipany no longer my weakness, but my victory.

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